IDM is Registered with Fake Serial Key. What to do?

11:30 PM
idm registered with fake serial

UPDATE: Please check the Method 3 which is the most effective method to fix this problem.

In my last post, I provided IDM full version with all of you. I found that some of my friends are facing a problem. My friends ask what to do if IDM is registered with fake serial key? I thought it would be worth writing post on this topic.

Generally, this problem occurs when you apply cracks, patches, etc. Last time when I reinstalled my operating system, I applied crack to my IDM. It worked well for few days, and after that, I started getting message that IDM has been registered with fake serial key. It is really annoying error message. I googled for about an hour and found a lot of solutions. So, I am going to list some of them that are worthy.

Before we begin, confirm that you have installed crack from our site. If not, then visit this page and install it. Once you do so, you are ready to perform some action against this dirty problem. Okay, now I am going to present you the First Method, it’s here:

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IDM is registered with Fake Serial Key

First Method (Worth Trying)

Okay! As I already mentioned, I am going to share some best ways. So here is the first.

1. First go and open the installation directory of IDM
2. Now open task manager and close all processes of IDM
idm registered with fake serial key solution

3. In the IDM installation directory, you can see a file named as IDMGrHlp.exe
4. Delete that file.
5. Now find out the file IDMan.exe
6. Copy that file to desktop
7. After copying the file on desktop, rename the file. (The file which you have just copied to desktop)
8. Rename it to IDMGrHlp.exe
9. Now copy the IDMGrHlp.exe from desktop to the installation directory of IDM
10. Finally you are done! Now you can open IDM without any fear and it would work

Second Method

Is that method working? Not tried yet? Try it out DUDE! The above method should work 100%, however if you think it’s not going to work then try out the second one.

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1. First, go to start and click on RUN
2. Unable to find RUN? No problem. Just hold windows key and press R.
3. Now you will see a box.
4. There you have to enter the following codes c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
IDM fake activation error fix

5. Press enter
6. You will be taken to a directory
7. So there, you will find a “Hosts” file
remove fake serial key error

8. Just right click on it and select properties
9. After that, go to the security tab
10. Now there you click on your Administrator account
11. Click on edit
fix idm serial key activation error

12. Now mark all allow options and apple changes and save it
IDM error fix

13. Now in the same directory, right click on hosts file and open with Notepad.
14. There you will find some codes
15. Now download this file
16. This file contains some code about IDM
17. Copy all the codes from downloaded file
18. Paste these codes to hosts file at the end.
register IDM serial key error

19. Now save the host file and you are done!

Third Method (Best)

Hey guys, now i have brought you even a better solution to this problem. So i thought it would be better if i update this article. The brand new and most effective method is here with you. Feel free to follow the below steps to fix your problem.
  1. First of all download IDM latest version here.
  2. Now uninstall the last version of the version that you have installed earlier.
  3. Install the new version.
  4. Once you install it, it would again tell you to register or popup that IDM is registered with fake serial key. IDM is exiting.
  5. Don't worry. Go to this page and download this file.
  6. Once the download completes, open the file
  7. Launch the file called IDM Universal Crack.
  8. Wait and let it ask you for update.
  9. Click on Update
  10. Let the update be completed.
  11. Now click on crack and you are done!
  12. Enjoy the complete version of IDM for free.


We finally performed this trick. I hope its all working good for you. Now IDM will never expire or popup any such errors to you. Now its great time for you so please share this article with your friends and mates. Thanks!

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