How Can I Open Blocked Sites on Google Chrome? (Pakistan or Any Country)

11:00 PM
How Can I Open Blocked Sites on Google Chrome?

Have you ever faced such problem in which the website you want to visit is blocked by your ISP. This is one of the most common problems for Asian people.(Seen mostly in Pakistan and China) So, most of us in this situation ask, how to open blocked sites? Hmm, so today we are going to open blocked site on Google chrome. Yes Google chrome. We will be using this browser. You don’t have? Okay get it from here. Before we get over the topic, it is necessary to know these basic things.

Why are websites blocked?

Websites are usually blocked at schools and offices. If you are working in office and you are unable to access social sites then it means that the manager of the office has blocked those sites to make you concentrate on your work rather than getting engaged on social sites. Well, some sites are blocked for the visitors from a particular place or region. For example: you see youtube blocked in Pakistan. These problems can also be solved by our tutorial.

Note: No matter which country you live, these method works at every corner of the earth (if you get internet access)

Method 1: Open Blocked Sites Using Google Chrome

Let us consider that we need to open at our workplace. We know that our manager has blocked this website. So our last choice is to use a proxy server.  Wait! I am not going to instruct you to use proxy server to connect to Facebook but we are going to use a Google Chrome extension. You can download this extension from the link given below.

Zenmate: Download

Zenmate is one of my best chrome extensions for browsing anonymously. Zenmate provides a free VPN that lets you to open blocked websites on Google Chrome. You done need to worry about anything while using Zenmate because it hides you IP address and encrypt your traffic. Okay, so let’s install it from the link given above. After you download and install this extension then open your browser (Google chrome). Now you will see a shield icon on the right top of your browser. Click on it and then select desired location and start surfing the web. That’s all.

Method 2: Open Blocked Sites Using Google Chrome

This method is little different from the above one. However, both work fine. In this method we need to install Hola Unblocker, a Google chrome extension. This extension is capable to switch between different IP. You don’t need to worry about changing IP address or other. Don’t worry this will not reduce your internet speed. When you install this extension, it automatically becomes active for use. However, you can turn it off when your task it complete.
Hola Better Internet: Install


 If you feel any difficulty then comment below. Note that at first time while using Zenmate, you will be asked to register using your email address. A password will be sent to your main, just check it and you are done! You can simply do it yourself. Now, it’s time for sharing this article with your friends, so don’t miss the opportunity.

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