How To Delete All Facebook Messages at Once? [Google Chrome]

10:52 PM
delete all facebook messages at once
Are you annoyed of receiving spam messages on Facebook? All right! I am one of those guys who often receive spam messages containing links flood. You may ask why they put links in the message. It’s because they need traffic to their website which may increase their CTR, etc. Sometimes, that link may take you to phishing pages.
So now there is a great problem deleting all messages one by one as it consumes a lot of time. Deleting such spam messages which are in huge amount is very tough. It’s very difficult to delete them all.

I remember those days when I used to delete bulk messages on Facebook one by one manually. It was really a shit for me. I know it is very difficult to delete all Facebook messages manually as I often receive spam flood. Its time consuming job because we have to open each conversation and then manually delete them from option which is not good for tricky person like you and me.

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However, I have found the solution for this problem. Today, i am going to tell you how to delete all facebook messages at once in a single click. You cannot perform this trick in IPhone, Android or any mobile device. Its especially for PC. What we are gonna do? We are going to use a Google Chrome extension which will automate our task. The first thing that we need to do is, open Google Chrome store and find out this extension and add it to your chrome. I am going to list all the steps that are required to complete this task. So let’s begin.

Easily Delete All Messages on Facebook At Once in A Single Click

Are you using Firefox browser? Quickly move to Google Chrome because we are using it over the tutorial.

  1. First, open Google Chrome Browser. (Joking, I know it’s already opened)
  2. Now go to this URL
  3. Click on Add to chrome button
  4. Wait for the download to complete and it will automatically be installed in your browser
  5. Once it gets installed, go to and login
  6. Click on the message box and then click on see all
  7. Now at the top you will see a button named Delete All
  8. It’s what you need, move on and click on that button
  9. You are done!
Note: Once you are done, you can easily disable the extension and can re-enable it later. However its optional.


Finally you are free of spam messages. So now enjoy with your friends and mates on Facebook. Remember that this trick will delete all the conversations that exist in your account, so you won’t be able to get them back. Once again, it’s time to share this article with your friends. So please click any social button below. Thanks!

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