Google Play Store Has Stopped Working Android Phone/Tablet

12:06 AM
unfortunately google play store has stopped working

“Unfortunately Google Play Store Has Stopped Working.” This is one of the great problems that I had been usually suffering from. Whenever I was trying to play game or use internet, it popped me out an error telling “Unfortunately, Google Play Store Has Stopped Working”.

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Do you also face this error? Isn’t it annoying enough? All Right! I have a quick and very good solution for this problem. Does this occur on your android phone? Or in Tablet? No problem which device you use. This solution is going to work on all devices.

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First, there are many problems that can make this error to cause. Identifying them can be a bit trouble. However, I am going to mention all the steps that you must follow and hence it will solve the problem. This will work on all cases but may be, in rare cases, it won’t work. Sitting and thinking that this won’t work will never solve your problem. So get up and try this out. Okay! Below are some of the steps that you should consider and I am 90% sure that this would work for you.

Google Play Store Stopped Working Solution

Let’s see some of the problems that may cause this error along their solution.

Play Store Updates

Sometimes, your Google play store gets undesired update that a system cannot handle and thus it causes the system to produce such errors. The solution to this problem can be simply deleting/uninstalling the updates of store. So, go to your mobile setting and then on apps, then on Google play store, then finally click on uninstall updates. Hope this solve your problem. Not? Move to the second step.

Clean and Reinstall Play Store

Okay! In this step, you can fix this error by uninstalling your play store and then cleaning for cache files, and finally reinstalling it. Below are the steps mentioned for performing this task.
  1. First of all, go to settings.
  2. Then go to Apps and select Google Play Store
  3. Now, Uninstall it
  4. Check if your system has CCleaner or some other cache cleaner, if not then download CCleaner and clean your system cache files.
  5. Once done, reinstall Google Play Store.
Problem solved? Nope? Check third step

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Google Play Version

Yes this really matters. Some system supports a specific version of play store only while some supports all versions. So, the solution is little time consuming, download the apk files of different Google Play Store and then try installing each, if one works then it’s the best version for your phone. If you are unable to find the best version the mention your phone brand in the comment so that I can help you out.

Converting User Application into System Application

This can be a cause for creating this error in some devices. Sometimes, Google Play Store might have been installed as user app, so converting it into system; application can ultimately solve the problem. For solution follow the below steps:
  1. First download Link2SD
  2. Then open it, find play store and change it into system app.
  3. Reboot your phone/tablet.


I hope these few steps have solved your problem. In my case, the problem solve be the last step. If you are still unable to solve this problem then comment your phone model below. I will provide you the solution. Thanks!

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