How To Change Your Computer Password Without Knowing The Old One?

10:23 PM
How To Change Your Computer Password Without Knowing The Old One?
Sometimes, when I change my pc password to a tough one so that other cannot guess, I myself fail to remember the password. This is the situation that you guys have probably suffered from. If yes, then cheers, you are one of me. I wrote this tutorial to help you out of this problem. Hey, wait! This tutorial works when your pc is on. I mean when you are logged in to your pc. I know this is the rare case where you forget the password and don’t turn off. However it’s helpful when you do so. This simple trick can also be used to hack your friends password in absence of them. For example: Think of when you are in your friend home, he has turned on his laptop and suddenly the bell rings. He goes to open the door, and in absence of him, you change his password and next time when he tries to log in back to his computer, he fails. Actually, it’s not good to do this with your friends, so better not to do this with your friends. However, if you think it’s fair then no problem. Follow the steps below and you will be able to change a pc password without having the old one.

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What you need to perform this trick?

1. Access to victim pc
2. Victim account must be logged in
3. And a brain

Change Computer Password without Access to Old one

As I already mentioned that, you need to have access to the pc whose password you want to change. And remember that the victim’s account must be logged in so that you can perform this task. Okay, if you are ready then let’s do it right away.

1. First of all, go to start menu. The button that appears on left side of task-bar.
2. Now click on computer
3. Now right click on an empty area and then click on manage.
4. If you are unable to find manage button then go to desktop and right click on my computer and select
5. There you will see system tools. Under it, you will find local user and groups.
6. Double click on user
7. Now, a list will appear. From the list right click on the current user which you are logged into and want to change the password.
8. Click on set password.
9. A popup will appear with a warning, just click on proceed.
How To Change Your Computer Password Without Knowing The Old One?

10. Now set-up new password for your computer and it’s done.


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