How To Disable USB Ports In Windows PC Via Registry?

1:27 AM
How To Disable USB Ports In Windows PC Via Registry?

Sometimes, it is necessary to disable USB ports so that other users cannot use their portable disk, flash drive, etc. Generally, in cyber café people or the organizers use to lock or disable all the USB ports so that it becomes response less and this can ensure the proper use of data and avoids misuse. I have different methods to perform this trick however I see many people like using registry to disable ports. So today in this post I am going to share this trick with you friends! If you meet the following requirement then you can jump to the next step. The requirements are:
Have a pc
OS must be windows based
A brain

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Disable USB Ports in Windows PC Via Registry

Yes, as I already told, we are going to use registry to accomplish this task. So let’s get started with this trick. Below are the procedures that you should follow in order to perform this trick.

POINT TO REMEMBER: Before you perform this trick, you should be aware that this trick disables all USB ports of your pc so if you have mouse or keyboard or any device connected to your pc then it would not work. So we do not take any responsibility for any problem.

Step 1.   Open on start
Step 2.   Go to Run. If you found run in start menu then go to step 4.
Step 3.   If you are unable to find run then press and hold windows key and then press R
Step 4.   Now there type regedit
How To Disable USB Ports In Windows PC Via Registry?

Step 5.   You will see a registry editor appearing on the screen
Step 6.   First go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
Step 7.   Now under it find out SYSTEM and double click on it too
Step 8.   Now go to CurrentControlSet
Step 9.   Again move to Services
Step 10.   Find out usbstor and double click on it.
How To Disable USB Ports In Windows PC Via Registry?

Step 11.   Now there, you will see a file named start. Just double click on it
Step 12.   Now in the box which is labelled as value data, enter 4 in the place of 3
How To Disable USB Ports In Windows PC Via Registry?

Step 13.   Click on Okay
Step 14.   Now you are done!

Okay! As already mentioned, it will disable your ports, Hope everything is fine till now. Now I am going to tell you how you can re-enable the USB ports. So, if you are interested in re-enabling your ports then look below if you think you should re-enable later then no problem. Comeback later it will still be available for you.

Re-Enabling PORTS

1.   Perform all step for step 1 to step 11
2.   Replace 4 with 3 and it’s done!
3.   Now save it


Now finally you performed this trick. If mistakenly you missed something then read this again and perform again from the beginning. If you like this trick then share with your friends. If you think you have a problem then comment below so that I can reply you with a solution. Thanks! Don’t forget to click the share button.

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