How To Post Blank Status or Comment on Facebook? 2016

11:04 PM

Sometimes I wonder, why just update a blank status? Well, on Facebook we regularly share photos, post status, and do other stuffs too. Generally, everyone doesn't know how to post a blank status on Facebook; therefore if you do this for the first time in your profile then your friends will really be impressed. This is only the reason I am sharing this trick with you guys. And there is no more advantage of doing this. So let’s have fun. Below are the steps that will help you to perform this trick.

Extra: Invite All Friends To Facebook Page

Post Empty Status On Facebook

First let’s discuss about status and later on we will discuss about comments as well but in the same post. So follow the below steps to do this:

1. First Copy this simple code
@[0:0: ] 
2. Go to your profile and paste these codes there
3. Now click on post.

4. You are done!

Now keep on waiting unless you feel some buzz in your Facebook community. Share this trick with them too.

Post Empty Comment On Facebook

Okay, as I told earlier that I am gonna tell this trick too. Well, it is little different from the above procedure. The above procedure was for status and this is for comment then obviously there would be changes, right? Okay follow the below steps to perform this task.

1. Press Num lock key if it is not already activated.
2. Now go the page the where you want to comment
3. Now there, press and hold ALT key and then at the same time type 0173 and finally hit enter.
4. You are done! Now you will see a blank comment posted by you. 


If this trick doesn't work for you then try once again but if this again don’t work then comment below, so that we can reply and help you back. Share this trick with you mates and let them know that you are genius.

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