Find Duplicate Words, Phrase Or Paragraphs In MS Word 2010

11:29 PM
Find Duplicate Words, Phrase Or Paragraphs In MS Word 2010

Are you still using the word 2010? Same with me. I am also using Microsoft Word 2010 version. I prefer this version because it is preregister and I don’t need to bother for product keys. Do you also like preregistered version? Good!

Extra: Windows 10 Installation Error FIX

Generally, in word (MS Word), we use CTRL + F to open the search box. See the picture below.
Find Duplicate Words, Phrase Or Paragraphs In MS Word 2010

But this is a simple search box, and here we cannot find the all similar paragraphs in the document.  We have to enter a paragraph and then repeat the process for number of times to find out total duplicate paragraphs. Here it the solution. So we need to find out the duplicate paragraphs, right? Yes and this can be done by following this tutorial.

This tutorial will help you to find out those paragraphs that have been repeated in a document. Think of when you are given a big document and said to find out all duplicate paragraphs and spin them. It would be very difficult for you find and detect all the repeated words and paragraphs using normal search system in MS word. To get rid of this problem, we can be helpful. Below is the process that will help to solve this problem is an easy way.

Find Duplicate Words, Phrase, or Paragraphs in MS Word

  1. First open MS word
  2. Open the document where you want to find the duplicate content
  3. Now, press CTRL + F
  4. You will see a search box in the left panel
  5. Now, find the drop down menu just beside the search box.
  6. In the menu (drop down menu), click on advance
  7. Now, again a window will appear.
  8. Click on MORE button
  9. Select use wildcard.
  10. In the FIND WHAT box, enter the following texts. (^13[!^13]@^13)*\1
  11. Now click on find next
  12. You will be shown the repeated paragraphs. Repeat the process to find out other repeated paragraphs.
  13. You are done!


Thanks for reading this tutorial. Hope you like this method of finding duplicate paragraphs, words and phrases. If you know a better method than this one then please share it with us so that we can update the post and help the upcoming users. Note that, this method is scraped on web and author doesn’t have any idea on this. Just for helping purpose, this article has been published here. Now, it’s time to share this article with your friends and families. So what are you waiting for, do it as soon as possible.

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