Hello friends! Today this article will help you to make
binary virus that can format a hard disk. Yes it is possible to make viruses yourself.
I do not guaranty that you will be making similar viruses next time but this
time it’s sure. This is a small Notepad trick. This virus is very useful, even
very harmful also. You can send this to your friends or enemies and make their
pc formatted. Well, as I already mentioned that it can be harmful, so don’t try
opening it on your pc. Here, we need some codes to be saved into an .exe
program which will care to be the extension of the virus. Before you do, you
must read these topics.
What is an .exe file?
An .exe file is called executable file. It is a type of file
extension for script type files. It may contain lines of codes and statements
that have their specific meanings or function. Generally, these files only
functions on windows pc.
Extra: IDM Full Version Including Activator
Well, I know that you are not so dump that you cannot
understand the codes. So, try to focus on each and every command and try find
out their function. Wait, don’t ever try to run this in your pc or it may
damage your data. Okay, let’s get the codes. The codes you need will be given
to you during procedure. So start
following the below mentioned steps:
Steps to Make Binary Virus to Format Hard disk:
Step 1: Press windows key and “R” at the same time. (Windows
+ R)
Step 2: Here a box will appear. Type Notepad and hit enter.
Step 3: Now, you need to paste the following codes in
Step 4: Finally, click on file and select save as option.
Step 5: In the file name enter virus.exe
Step 6: Save. You are done.
Note: You can change the file name from virus to desired name
but the file extension must be same.
I hope you enjoyed the trick but remember not to try this in
your own pc or it would be dangerous for you. I found that in some PC, it doesn't
work. I am unable to figure out the problem. Okay! Now it’s time to click the
link button below. Thanks!
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